Hi everyone! You may have noticed that your browser took you to a new location. To better reflect my brand, I have updated my website, to https://www.BetsySkagen.com. I hope you can take a minute to update your browser. This is on a certified secure server, so no need to worry about all those scary internet things.
I have also changed my store name to reflect the “new me”. You can now shop at https://betsyskagen.zibbet.com/
Instagram and Pinterest also reflect the new name. Hopefully you will soon be able to find my Facebook page at Betsy Skagen Mixed Media Artist. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t seem to like change, so I am currently battling Facebook gatekeepers to allow this change.
Another reason for the change is that very few people could spell or even pronounce Paper Calliope. Truth be told, most people mispronounce Skagen also (hint: if you use your noggin, it rhymes with toboggan), but hopefully people will learn this over time.
I hope you continue to follow me, I have some exciting developments under way that I think you will find intriguing .
Warmly, Betsy